Friday 25 January 2013

Social Business #SocBus Are we looking for all possibilities to engage with our clients as opposed to only doing what is expected of us?

Social Media revolves around platforms that are actually tools that we use to interact and engage with others. So what then is social business?

Social business is the new reality of the way we do business and probably the only way we should be doing business.

Are you thinking this is all about online and what about connecting with real customers? Never social business is all those and more it is the way we think and the way we look for new opportunities to engage existing and prospective clients.

It is about relationships and how to strengthen existing relationships and forge new meaningful relationships.

I am suggesting we have a conversation around various topics that make our business more social and that we use the hashtag #SocBus.

Are we looking for all possibilities to engage with our clients as opposed to only doing what is expected of us?

1 comment:

  1. I just had a call from a client wanting to know if we could simplify the customer engagement process. My initial reaction was I wonder if it would be right if we asked our partners if we could simplify our relationship?

    What should we leave out?

    I don't believe it is about leaving things out or simplifying processes, we should be doing whatever it takes to strengthen and improve the relationship with our clients instead of trying to only do the necessary.
