Wednesday 12 March 2014

What Makes you Different?

I have always loved the Apple slogan of ‘Think Different’ and even more so the ‘Crazy Ones’ …
My question today is; What makes YOU different? We were raised to compare ourselves with others, and we were praised and recognised for being the best. The problem created is that when we are the best,  we need to realise that being the best is only doing things slightly better than everyone else. We need to consider the possibilities of doing things differently?
How would we know if we were the best or would we just be different? In my way of thinking the beginning of progress is, when others disagree with you and say ‘you are different’. The end of progress is when they say you the best. Sure if you a world record holder then you have achieved something but people will really start to notice you and admire you when you can remain the best in the world.
If what you are doing today is going to make you the best in your company, community or country you have achieved and you should pat yourself on the back. Please don’t stay there, ask yourself how am I going to be different and how will I achieve more?
Your viewpoint should always be, how can you exceed your own expectations? When you feel you are reaching your expectations, it may be time to look at your acquaintances: If you a national champion do you have friends who hold world records? If you are the best salesperson, do you have friends who are top directors of companies? If you a millionaire, do you have friends who are billionaires? If you are the best doctor, do you have friends who are top surgeons and specialists in their field? If you a celebrity in your country, do you have friends who are celebrities internationally? Your friends and the people you spend most of your time with, is where your biggest influence will come from. Change your friends if you have to and pick the new ones wisely.
When you have a different perspective from the norm, then you can be different and the establishment, may even pay you a compliment and call you a ‘Crazy One’
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